Friday, April 11, 2008

Talk in NY with Tim Berner's Lee @ Linked DataPlanet

Linked Data Planet June 17-18, NY City
Wed Jun 18, 2008 -- 3:00pm - 3:50pm
Track: Terrace Ballroom
W11: The Social Internet, Promise or Plague in Education?

I really must update my abstract... but this is the current draft.

The Social Internet has spawned numerous networks silos with data that is isolated from traditional search mechanisms. How will all of this new data being generated in these silos be accessed? When, if ever, is it appropriate to connect with the data and profiles in these silos? Education is a great arena to explore when thinking about bridging privacy needs with the benefits of data connectivity and collaboration provided by social networking. Can social networking keep students profiles protected, enhance student performance and facilitate professional development with social networking? This talk will cover the benefits of and technology best practices for collaborative educational environments and data connectivity in education.

SPEAKER: Rebecca Dias, VP of Software Development, SynapticMash
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